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If you are looking for a way to make money as an affiliate by passing along great information to people looking for home business ideas, Disciple’s Cross can help! We have found that many people who have started their own business from home through our program are eager to share their wonderful experience with others who are interested in the same opportunity. So, we decided to create this great affiliate program as a reward for those who already spread the word about our easy home assembly program.


We want to provide compensation for those who spread the news of this business and the message of Jesus at the same time. It will provide incentive for those who know how great this opportunity is to tell others. We believe we offer one of the best affiliate programs around.


Christian affiliate programs don’t have to be hard to sign up for - we make it easy.

Become a Disciple's Cross™ Affiliate Today!


It's a great way to share your faith and receive a financial compensation at the same time.  Instead of paying expensive marketing companies we would rather continue to undergird the mission of Disciple's Cross™. We want to give you an opportunity to make additional money while working from the comfort of your home.  In addition, we find that people will naturally tell others about some thing from which they have personally benefited. Part of our job as Christians is to reach out to a lost and dying world as commanded to us by Jesus Christ. Telling others about how God has changed your life has been and always will be the best form of outreach. We want to give you an opportunity to effectively carry out the great commission by using your Disciple's Cross™ necklace.


Even if you're not making the cross, you can still receive an income by simply joining our team of hundreds of Disciples Cross™ Affiliates.


Each time some one purchases a starter kit and becomes a new producer with Disciple's Cross™ we will compensate you $10.00.  The possibilities for you to bring others into this wonderful opportunity are limitless.

Click Here To Get Started Now